


I've seem to come full circle in my artistic ventures.

As a young kid I spent mornings digging through trash cans, afternoons drawing with friends and evenings in my parents' garage disassembling and repairing old radios, clocks and lights. Today, I design and build unique functional artwork, create multi-media installations, produce recycled architectonic sculptures and continue computer based graphic and website design work. Since 1994 I've also been working as a digital post production artist in the film industry and since 2004, a modelmaker for theme park designs.

Because my interests are varied I've divided this website into sections to better explain myself.

Feel free to explore my personal Sculpture. The recent focus of my personal life has not been on my own art but rather on my house. A long-term rebuilding effort is nearing completion and the multitude of my sculptural concepts will soon become reality. In the mean time you can see past examples of my work and read my MFA thesis.

Just Slightly Twisted Designs (JSTD) is the name I chose to represent my endeavors in the world of functional art. With JSTD I persue my philosophy of creating products with a concept without compromising on style, craftsmanship or beauty. Just Slightly Twisted Designs is also how I feel about my functional art. Not only is the subject matter conceptually askew, but I, as the creator, am physically, just slightly twisted.

Most of my graphic design work has been under the name A Fine Design and explores the area of logos, corporate identities, product illustrations and product design (and recently in website design). As in most creative opportunities, a great amount of overlap has occured in my work. I no longer focus on graphic design but have been known to work out a logo or two for friends. Visit my graphics page (and Links) for a selection of my past design work.

In About David you see this page. Pretty straight forward. My Bio is more like the story behind the scene (whatever that is) while the Résumé is as you would expect. Under Interests, I give an insight into my almost non-existent free time activities. Also included are various links of these interests.

Links contains some personal interest sites.

Contact is, well, contact me, by e-mail!